Tuesday, December 6

Grandpa Merrell

I have been  neglecting this poor little blog, and for that I'm sorry! We are alive
and well and life seems to be moving at break-neck speeds!

After probably the craziest October of our lives, Lance and I made preparations to go to Hawaii 
with Lance's parents, his sister Kirstin and her husband Bruce. It was a much needed break and there
will be much more on that in another post. But for a moment, I would like to talk about a wonderful
man, my grandpa Merrell, who passed away while we were gone.

My dad was born and raised in Provo in a chicken-coop-turned-home farm house. He grew
up on a farm where work was the family word and there were no exceptions. My wonderful
grandpa worked hard his entire life and he instilled that work ethic in his children as well.
It's a different world we live in now, that's for sure. 

Anyways, I have fond memories of playing around on the farm and spending time with my
grandpa Merrell all of my growing up years. We had the pleasure of having him move
in with my parents the last 2 weeks before he died and it was such a blessing to have him
around! Even when he was in intense pain he was pleasant and cheerful, always trying
to make those around him smile. He was that way right up until the day he died.

We will miss him, his funny jokes, his old stories and most of all, his thumb trick!
You see, my grandpa lost 3 of his fingers in several different accidents. The thumb,
I believe, was lost to an ax while cutting wood. Ouch. But it made for the best
"I lost my thumb" trick you've ever seen. That lost thumb definitely got it's worth in
gold just for all of the shocked little kids, staring with wide-eyes, because grandpa's 
thumb really was gone. How did he do that?!

Anyway, I'm getting sentimental but I just want to recognize this wonderful man
and the legacy of service and hard work that he's left behind. 

You will be missed grandpa!


Lindsey & Tony said...

What beautiful memories! I'm so glad you shared the thumb story with us. Aren't Grandpas the best!!!

K8yerM8 said...

Hard work was his middle name. We all miss him Chrissy! I am so glad that Austin got this photo of him. My photography brain left and I never got many photo's of him. :) Thanks for posting and having good things to say.