Thursday, June 2

{So stinking cute}

Just when I think Crew can't get any cuter...

Tonight I was sitting on the couch when Crew came over and sat next to me. He casually picked up my phone, put it to his ear, jabbered for a few seconds then did this adorable little fake laugh. First phone call and it lasted 10 minutes! He would switch from ear to ear (missing his ear most of the time), and looking all around the room while he did it. Apparently he had some pretty important things to say and the person on the other line had some pretty funny things to say. He acted like it was just no big deal. Cool guy style. When he was finished, he set the phone down, turned around and slid off the couch and continued on to the kitchen to empty the tupperware drawer. All without even a sideways glance my way.

In other news, I was looking through pictures today and came across this one. He has grown so much since this was taken.

6 months old.

Hard to believe my baby will be a year old this month.
I love my little man!

1 comment:

Merrells said...

He is such a little social bug! And too cute for his own good!