Our lives have been crazy! Between the 4 round-trip drives we made to Salt Lake over the break, a trip to St. George to start up our new Kiosk, and working on my up-and-coming framing business :), I have not had much time to post on the blog. And since we are leaving with my entire family Friday for a mexican cruise, I figured I better post some wedding pics soon.
My Aunt Kate came all the way from Arizona to take the pictures our wedding day. Thank you Aunt Kate! I haven't gotten to play with all of them yet because our lives have been so crazy. But here are a few for now and I will add more before too long.

I loved my wedding cake! It took me so long to decide what I wanted and to find the right size and color ribbon but I am so pleased with how it turned out. And the "W" on top added the perfect touch, I think. Thanks Jenn!

I love my Hannah Baby! She has grown into such a beautiful young woman. How perfect that my favorite girl on the planet caught my bouquet! I was also so happy my uncle Don and family could make the trip from Denver for the wedding. He spoke at the luncheon and emceed the reception.
To be surrounded by those you love the most is all you can ask for on your wedding day.
Alisa, Whitney & Jenn. My best friends and 3 of my 10 beautiful bridesmaids. They drove up from St. George twice! Once to throw me my bridal shower and then again for the wedding. It was so awesome to have Whitt and Jenn in the temple. Don't worry Al, I can at least be there for your wedding :) I love you girls!
So perfectly content in his arms

I love the brick walls of the Historic Southworth Hall. It fit perfectly with my Hollywood Glamor wedding theme. The space was just large enough that it didn't feel crowded but small enough that it still felt so cozy and inviting.
I love this one

I had to save this picture for the end because it is my favorite. It so tenderly captures that moment. My dad grabbed me- he has never held me so tightly- and we both just cried. How difficult it must be to give away your oldest daughter! He also wrote a song for the wedding about the trust I have had in my eyes as I have looked at him all growing up. And how now, I look at Lance with that same trust. I love you dad! Thank you for the perfect wedding!